Genius One, Inc
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Weatherproof, timeproof, and foolproof - this pipe is perfectly designed for human hand, packed with many functions from tar filtration to smoke cooling and will become your companion for life.

Name: Swiss Army Pipe
Release Date: 08/28/18
Version: 5.0

Includes: One Genius TruTaste screen, EVOLUTION Slider. Ready-to-Use.

LOVE IT or your money back!

Supplier Policy

In order to maintain the integrity of the Genius Pipe and Genius CBD brands, we have established a Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policy for resellers of Genius One, Inc. products. This policy has been established to protect and support all resellers, as well as consumers of Genius products. The intention is not to interfere with the business of our resellers, but rather to enable customers to have sustainable business practices by allowing for a reasonable profit margin. MAP = Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) The Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) on all Genius One, Inc. products is in effect. International accounts must reflect pricing as translated into their local currency. The MAP policy works under the following guidelines: Resellers of Genius One, Inc. products may not advertise a price lower than the Minimum Advertised Price for that product. Prices below the MAP cannot be advertised in any medium, including print, internet, radio, television, etc. Temporary sales, discounts, and promotions that effectively lower the retail price of the product below MAP are impossible to enforce, and therefore acceptable (e.g., 10% discount on order totals exceeding $50). However, these discounts must not be applied directly to the advertised price; the advertised price cannot be below the MAP. Genius One Inc., reserves the right to sell its own products directly to consumers at MAP pricing, consistent with this policy. In the event that Genius One, Inc. raises or lowers the MSRP for any product we will notify our reseller partners in writing in advance of the change. Genius One, Inc. reserves the right to sell to Temporary Discount channels that offer Genius products at a discount for a strictly limited period of time. Such discounts shall not impact the MAP pricing or policies in effect at that time. Genius One, Inc. reserves the right not to sell to any reseller found to be in violation of this policy. Genius One, Inc. will not be held responsible for enforcement of this policy or lack thereof. Search Policy We encourage our customers to use our keywords in their search engine optimization. However, you may not use our trademark name, our domain name or misspellings or variations of these for paid search campaigns. Special Instructions for Search Marketing Publishers? We do not allow search marketing, paid search marketing or trademark plus bidding with any of the terms listed in the section below. Protected SEM Bidding Keywords? GeniusPipe,, GeniusPipe coupon, GeniusPipe coupon code, coupon, coupon code, GeniusPipe promo code, GeniusPipe .com promo code, promotional code, GeniusPipe promotional code, Genius Backpack Coupon Code, Genius Backpack Coupon, Coupon Code, Coupon,, Genius Karma Coupon Code, Genius Karma Coupon, Genius Karma, Coupon Code, Coupon, Genius One Coupon Code, Genius One Coupon, Genius One, Genus Pipe Coupon Code, Genius Pipe Coupon, Genius Pipe, Genius CBD, Genius CBD Coupon, Genius CBD Coupon Code, Genius CBD Promo, Genius CBD Promo Code, and any variations including misspellings, alternate spellings, alternate spacing, or any phrases that include these terms. Thank you for your continued business and support and for your cooperation with this policy.
